Monday, August 26, 2019

Statistical Analysis Math Speech or Presentation - 1

Statistical Analysis Math - Speech or Presentation Example A population is defined as the complete collection of all elements of the target groups (individuals, items or objects) whose characteristics are being studied (Brase and Brase 6). The population in this research is the total students in the second semester Bachelor of Human Resources class. A sample is defined as the subset of the population, which consists of a portion of the population selected for study (Brase and Brase 6). In this case, the sample in this research is the male and female students with slightly or very overweight. This is because these overweight students were being drawn and identified from the total 100 students, so the 100 students is the set and overweight students is the subset of the 100 students. The purpose of constructing the frequency table is to show the distribution of the percentages of male, female and total students with slightly or very overweight into classes or intervals. By constructing the classes or intervals, the percentages in the respective category can be fit into exactly one class. The frequency table with the design containing the class limit, class boundary and frequency of male, female and total students with slightly or very overweight was constructed in order for us to compare the data distribution clearly between the percentages of male, female and total students with slightly or very overweight. In order to evaluate is there any significance different between the mean percentages of male and female students with slightly of very overweight, two-tailed t-test analysis is carried out at the confidence interval of 90%. The mean percentages of the male students with slightly or very overweight is partially skewed to the right because the mode has a lower value than the median and mean has the lower value than the median, but in this case, the mean is slightly higher than the median, which in turn make the distribution partially skewed to the right. The mean percentages of the female students with

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