Friday, October 18, 2019

Texas Lottery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Texas Lottery - Essay Example Thesis: It is right for Texas law to restricts the lottery commission from introducing new forms of gambling. Texas Lottery runs by the Texas government thus it is often criticized as a typical gambling which has a negative impact on the society. In 1991, the legislation to create a state lottery was introduced and Texas population approved the Lottery. Since that time, the Texas Lottery communion has introduced a lot of new forms of gambling including Mega Millions, Looto Texas, Daily 4 (The Texas Lottery 2008). The goals of the Texas laws are to restrict gambling in the state and protect citizens from "exploitation" by the Lottery commission. Also, Texas laws regulate the gambling industry and stipulate strict norms and principles for the Lottery. The advisability of legalizing the Lottery in order to generate revenue for the state must be assessed in terms of the equity of gambling as a tax source, i.e. the regressivity of taxes, and the efficiency of raising revenue through gambling taxes, i.e. the cost-effectiveness of the Lottery legalization (Dee 2004). Thus, current laws do not accomplish their goals and permits emergence of new forms of Lottery and gambling. Daily 4. is an example of this process. The right thing is that the Texas laws legalize the Lottery and reduce illegal gambling in Texas (Sandberg 2008).

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