Monday, December 23, 2019

Should Same Sex Marriage Affect Traditional Family Values

Imagine not being able to bear your own child. The only way you can have the family you have always dreamed of is to adopt a child from the foster care system. You visit a foster home, and there she is; The little girl you have always dreamed of having. Little Suzie is perfect for you, and you want nothing more than to bring her home, except you run into a big problem, you are not married. Not only are you not married, but you cannot even get married because you are gay. Now not only has Little Suzie lost the opportunity to have a happy, healthy, and loving forever home but you are devastated. What do you do now? The state you reside in does not allow homosexuals to get married. How are you going to build a family of your own? Why are some Americans for the legalization of gay marriage, while others are totally against it? Some say same-sex marriage threatens traditional family values, but others argue that gay couples deserve the same rights as all Americans. Because gay marriage is so controversial, lawmakers should carefully take into consideration the multiple viewpoints before making any decisions about whether or not gay marriage should be legalized. Many opponents argue that homosexual marriage will lead to more non-traditional relationships such as incest, beastiality, and polygamy. In the Gay Rights and Marriage database article they state that, â€Å"According to many opponents, the cause of gay rights is not about gaining equal treatment for all; rather, it is aboutShow MoreRelatedShould Same Sex Marriage Be Legalized in the United States Essay1399 Words   |  6 PagesDebate Paper Should same sex marriage be legalized in the United States? In some of our states laws have already been passed to allow same sex couples the freedom to get married, while other states are still resisting for one reason or another. 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